
Constructive Feedback

Hello friends, I am very grateful that this year is still given the opportunity to meet Ramadan again. The month for me as a Muslim is a special month, not only because this month is full of blessings, but also because this month always provides valuable moments every year. Besides that,  Ramadan is also a month where we can improve our personality by doing a lot of self-introspection and getting used to positive activities.

Talking about self-introspection, of course, we will look for and assess ourselves, especially looking for our shortcomings so that we can correct these shortcomings. If we look at ourselves, we will be more inclined to see the advantages and it is difficult to find the disadvantages. Therefore, assessment or feedback from others is very important as material for introspection.

One of the most memorable feedbacks for me was when I ran a research proposal seminar where I submitted a research proposal that I would do for my master's assignment. after I conveyed the examiners and supervisors gave a lot of feedback. they told me that I should be more confident, work harder, and better understand the basics of the research to be carried out. I realized that at that time there were indeed many shortcomings in my seminar, and all feedback from examiners and supervisors was very objective with what I showed. From the feedback, then I try to improve it and develop every aspect that becomes the material for correction. 

We don't have to accept all feedback, because thinking too much about feedback can also cause overthinking. We can filter out which feedback is constructive for us to do better.

Time is Up!

Okay... time is up! let's talk about time.

Time in my view is one of the dimensions that bind human existence apart from space. Unlike space, which we can engineer in such a way, we cannot manage time as we wish. We have to adapt to the times. and how we manage time that is called time management.

Here I want to share how I manage my time, of course with various experiences that I have had. As a starting point, I'm a person who doesn't really like to finish things that are far from deadlines. Because somehow when I do something that is far from the deadline, all the work that I have planned is not finished. To maintain that, my reasoning is that I'm a person who gets too focused when I've done something, and until someone stops what I'm doing, I won't stop to keep checking and perfecting every single thing I've done. I never felt sure about what I had done. Therefore, I used the deadline as a stopper to my indecision. Even though it looks lazy but I still try to fulfill my duties in accordance with the time that has been provided.

But what if multiple jobs have to be completed within the same deadline? am I going to multitask? Of course not. my work system is not like a computer that can do many things at one time. To overcome this I learned to measure the work time it took me to do something. that way I can make my own deadlines by prioritizing my work.

Let's say, I have to complete three jobs in a day, namely inputting data, compiling reports, and making poster designs. I will measure the priority of work based on the level of difficulty and quantity of work. For that, I will input the data first because it does not require too focused thinking and is structured, so it is easier for me to measure my working time according to the quantity of work. After that, I will compile a report that requires more focused thinking but still with a structured arrangement. Different from making posters, this work requires focused thinking and broad imagination to be able to express creative ideas, so it will be more difficult to estimate the time of work. Especially in this work, there will be many revisions of ideas depending on my own satisfaction, so it will need more time to do than I will put it at the end of the deadline.

Of course, in every time management, there will be time estimation errors that affect the allocation of other work time. And to fix it, I always add the time allocation needed to prevent errors from occurring. The former case would probably apply to work that was done alone. It is different if there are activities that have been scheduled and have an impact on many people, then I will prioritize those activities on my time schedule.

Therefore, In time management it is very important to know how important the work we are going to do and how much influence it has on the success of the project we are working on. So, back to our awareness of how we realize the responsibility we have to complete the task that has been given.

Tunjukkan Arahmu

Oleh: Ahmad Fawaid Ridwan

Kilau indah dunia di pagi hari
Menyapamu dengan hangatnya mentari
Burung-burung berkicauan bernyanyi
Mengajakmu tuk mulai mewarnai

Beranjaklah dari tidurmu
Lihatlah keindahan duniamu
Dengarkanlah keinginanmu
Kata hatimu

Aku tak mau mengekangmu
Kau bebas pergi kemana kau mau
Tapi aku izinkanlah aku
Tunjukkan arahmu

Saat kau ragu menentukan jalanmu
Tersesat dalam pikiran membatu
Saat dunia memandang lemah dirimu
Membuatmu terdiam dan membisu

Percayalah ku kan slalu ada
Menunggumu tuk berikan ku waktu
Percayalah ku kan slalu ada
Temani hatimu

Percayalah ku kan slalu ada
Temani hatimu

Jiwa-jiwa Cinta

Oleh: Ahmad Fawaid Ridwan

Kita adalah jiwa yang terikat 
Terikat pada ruang dan waktu
Terikat pada realitas semu
Terikat pada bayang-bayang yang seakan pada segalanya kita tahu

Kita adalah jiwa yang bertaut
Bertaut dalam kerinduan hati
Bertaut dalam rasa dan empati
Bertaut dalam harmoni kehidupan yang membuat mekar seluruh mawar di bumi

Namun kita juga adalah jiwa yang bebas
Bebas terbang setinggi apapun
Bebas berlari sejauh apapun
Bebas menyelam ke dalam tenangnya lautan yang berhimpun

Wahai jiwa-jiwa yang tenang
Maka terikatlah pada cinta
Bertautlah dalam cinta
Bebaskanlah jiwamu untuk terus bercinta dengan Sang Maha Cinta

Titik Balik

Oleh: Ahmad Fawaid Ridwan

Hujan rintik menutup senja di kala raga mulai merebah
Kembali ku tumpahkan sejuta kepahitan yang berserak dalam keluh kesah
Walau hanya pada tembok retak dan jendela yang bercelah
Berharap tak kembali lagi ku menanggung rasa resah

Mengapa diluar sana begitu indah saat ku bayangkan
Membuatku rindu akan segarnya nafas kebebasan
Namun saat kulihat lagi dari sudut sempit kegelapan
Semua itu hanyalah kepalsuan yang sangat erat memenjarakan

Kembali kucari kepastian dalam hening malam tak berbintang
Bertiup angin dan cahaya bulan yang terang benderang
Berbisik hati untuk menilik dari mana kau datang
Dan kemana lagi kau akan kembali pulang

Bagaimana bisa kau terus berjalan dalam kegelapan hati
Dalam kegundahan yang menusuk-nusuk bagai peniti
Dalam kerisauan yang datang terus menerus tanpa henti
Yang sekian lama seakan terus menyakiti

Terus menerus cahaya itu menerangi jalan yang kau tapaki
Dan kau coba melirik menatap sumber cahaya sejati
Seketika kau pun merasa silau dan coba untuk menutupi
Hingga kau berpaling karena takut tak dapat melihat lagi

Aku pun terhenyak atas keangkuhan yang begitu lama menetap
Dan kembali ku angkat wajahku seraya meratap
Tak sanggup lagi bibir ini untuk kembali mengucap
Betapa hina diri ini dan malu untuk menatap

Sekian lama kucari dan ku telusuri jalan hidup ini
Ternyata yang ku perlukan hanyah kembali melihat kedalam diri
Saat ku buka lebar pintu hati dan menerima apapun yang terjadi
Ternyata hanya Kau lah yang selalu setia menemani

My Value for My Dream

Hi everybody!

I want to share my experience about how I developed my social branding in the GenerasiGIGIH program, Yayasan Anak Bangsa Bisa. In this article, I will share the values ​​I believe in and how I represent them.

Actually, I have a lot of things that I rarely show everyone, and maybe that's what makes me judged to have no value at all. But yeah maybe that's true because even if you have a million values ​​and you never show them, people will still judge you as worthless. that's why I started learning to be a little cocky to show what I've got.๐Ÿ˜‚✌

Well, for more serious business maybe I'll show more the value that I have, like skeptic on everything, maybe. and it may not look good to some, but to me, it was skepticism that led me to learn a lot. I can even spend my whole day trying to find answers to my distrust, studying, and doing many things to clear my doubts. And maybe, it's that habit that makes me better at analyzing things. That's why I came to the point that everyone should have the values ​​that I have for which I thank God that I was given it.

According to my dream, and comes from my educational background which has long been engaged in the field of education. I really want to have an institution that can accommodate "poor" people to get a decent education and job. Because I believe that the maturity of thinking can be fulfilled if your "stomach" is filled -which you can get by working and earning money- and a million of information you get -which you can get from education in general.

I realize that no dream is too easy to come true, therefore I try and always get struggled to hone my skills and enrich my values ​​so that I can at least analyze, manage, and adjust the regulations that can be applied when my dream has come true.

It's Time to Change

Hello everyone, I am very grateful today and throughout my day I continue to be given many experiences that I can learn from it. I also hope that all of you are in peace and continue to be enlightened.๐Ÿ‘ผ

Change is a sure thing in life. Without this change, life will not work and maybe there will be no beauty in it. So many changes have happened in my life. starting from being born into the world, meeting new environments in every phase of life, to changes in every responsibility given to me.

In this article, I want to try to write down one of the changes that I experienced, especially during this pandemic. I'm not a person who easily gets along with new people, even in social relationships in real life I find it difficult to get used to conversing with people. this may make it difficult for me to have many connections with other people. Especially during this pandemic, I find it very difficult to meet my hangout friends who are already far apart. on the other hand, this condition taught me that distance is not an obstacle to connect each other. Various social media have provided many solutions for that. not only are they connected, but there's also a lot of information and lessons that can be accessed to keep developing, so many people are starting to get used to it, including me.

I realize that connection is an important thing in life where we can share stories, express our hearts, or even just exchange information. therefore, I started trying to get used to it and kept trying to be more open with people. because ages are always changing and if we don't try to adapt then we will be left behind and drown in darkness๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚.

I also thank Yayasan Anak Bangsa Bisa for giving me an opportunity to grow and become a person who is ready to adapt to any changes. ๐Ÿ™